• New Services (Government Buildings, Hospitals and Cutting-edge Schools)
  • Greater governance and increased communicative efficiency within an entity with its dependencies, and in turn with other entities
  • Reduction of transfer times between units, for users and workers
  • Improve the existing public transport system
  • Reduction in the number of emissions due to the promotion of public transport
  • Promote urban development in the eastern zone
  • Densification planned through a political district, avoiding dispersing resources and entities throughout the country
  • Avoid transfers to other states by a desentralization model


Centralization of Federal and Local Government



Centralized government

Sliding surface / Airport vs Entities

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Federal entities

Entidades Locales CDMX

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Aeropuerto - Cases

“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody”


Jane Jacobs


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